• 6 hrs a day •

After you fill out the checkout form below, you will be directed to a form that MUST be filled out.

Your 6 Month Program Includes:

  • Two private five minute call with Dr Stella, to set you up for health success
    (Link will be sent to your email when you register). (Value: $75)

  • 6 hrs a day of Remote Energy Enhancement Scalar Frequency from 9am to 3pm PST, Monday through Friday (Value: $500)

  • ONE GROUP Health Education Call with Medical Intuitive Dr David Stella and Wellness Coach Gina Pero via Zoom. ( Value: $150)

  • A private members area, where you get access to workbooks, resources, and education for your journey. (Value: $500)

  • A suggested Opt In to receive Inspirational, educational, and empowering reminders to your cell phone to keep you moving in the direction of your intentions. ( Value: $50)

  • Access to getting our expert messengers to answer your questions within 48 hours. (Value: Priceless)


Pay in Full $600


Six Monthly Payments of $111

Fill out the form below to get started!

NOTE: You can only use an email and phone number per person.

If you already used your email and phone number for your subscription and need to subscribe somebody else with same email or phone number, please text our remote line: +1 (702) 357- 8077

Your Information
Mailing address
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